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We have two types of production regime in the Olive Grove and Vineyard: Integrated Production and Organic Production.

Integrated Production

A system of agricultural production based on good agricultural practices, with rational management of natural resources and privileging the use of natural regulation mechanisms in place of production factors, thus contributing to sustainable agriculture.

Integrated production is based on the following principles:

1. Regulation of the ecosystem, importance of animal welfare and preservation of natural resources;
2. Agricultural exploration as a whole, as the unit for implementing integrated production;
3. Regular updating of farmers' knowledge about integrated production;
4. Maintaining the stability of agrarian ecosystems;
5. Balance of the nutrient cycle, reducing losses to a minimum;
6. Preservation and improvement of the soil's intrinsic fertility;
7. Promotion of biodiversity;
8. Understanding the quality of agricultural products as based on ecological parameters, as well as usual external and internal quality criteria;
9. Plant protection mandatorily based on the objectives and guidelines of integrated protection;
10. Minimizing some of the side effects resulting from agricultural activities.

Organic Production

A farm management system combining best practices in environmental and climate matters, a high level of biodiversity, preservation of natural resources and the application of high standards in terms of animal welfare.
Organic production is based on the following principles:
1. Privilege the use of natural resources internal to the system;
2. Restrict the use of external production factors;
3. Limitation on the use of chemical synthesis production factors;
4. Adaptation to the circumstances, whenever necessary, within the scope of regulation, of the rules for organic production.
At Herdade da Fonte Santa, we have solar panels, allowing us to generate and consume our own energy.



We produce in our cellar, which allows us to be involved in the entire production process, such as ensuring the least waste of resources possible. Our production process has the minimum human intervention, respecting natural development through the gravity filling of the vat and press, spontaneous fermentations and low sulphides. 

We have a WWTP - Wastewater Treatment Plant, which allows us to treat wastewater of domestic and industrial origin, allowing us to use this water to irrigate the olive groves and vineyards.

Olive oil

Produced in a specialized press, it allows us to be close to technicians, ensuring a more responsible and quality production.
As we produce Extra Virgin Olive Oil cold, in addition to obtaining better quality olive oil, it is possible to reduce energy consumption.


We are as concerned with packaging as we are throughout the production process.

We work with the most sustainable materials whenever possible and never use more than necessary.

1. Our bottles are mostly made of recycled and glass and are recyclable;
2. Our labels are made of recycled paper or have a higher percentage of cotton;
3. Our boxes are made of recycled paper and are recyclable, with no use of plastic in the paints.
4. Our boxes are FSC - Forest Stewardship Council certified, a regulatory entity that encourages better forest management and environmental degradation;
5. We use recycled paper tape instead of regular plastic tape;
6. Our ceramic bottle produced in Portugal is made of recycled glass and can be reused;
7. The Bag-in-Box has 60% less plastic than the common olive oil bottle;
8. We use a seal to seal the wine bottles instead of a capsule.
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Co-financed by
Portugal 2020
Project Sheet